Are you a developer and wanna step onto the Valley of EfficientXies quickly as possible? Alright, if you are like any other developer and use VS Code to develop your stuff, just rifle through this blog post and by the end you’ll be equipped with the essentials you need to optimise VS code! Yep, that’s for sure.
Top Shortcuts for VS Code (apart from the obvious)
*If you’re a MacOS dude, I’m sure you know to replace; Ctrl with Command and Alt with Option!
Ctrl + P: Opening file navigation bar.
Special Characters,
“>” - Command Palette (Also Ctrl + Shift + P)
“@” - Finding specific symbols in the local code (the one you’ve currently opened).
“#” - Symbol-finding in the global mode. (Ooooh!)
Ctrl + G: Jump to a line
Ctrl + F: Find specific characters
Ctrl + H: Replacing characters
Ctrl + /: Commenting out the selection. (If none is selected, the line will be commented out)
Ctrl + L: Highlighting line-by-line
Move the current line up/down: Alt + UpArrow/DownArrow
Top Extension for VS Code (well, excluding the language extensions)
Material Icon Them — A modern icon theme that will drop your jaws. [Check Out!]
Code Spell Checker — Checks spelling. [Check Out!]
Better Comments — Makes your comment more colourful! [Check Out!]
ToDos - Write “TODO” as one word. The case doesn’t matter.
Important - Add an exclamation mark at the beginning
Highlight - Add an asterisk at the beginning
Questions - Add a question mark at the beginning
Great for Collaboration
Live Share — Work on your code with your teammates at the same time. [Check Out!]
GitLens — Wonderful GIT visualiser [Check Out!]
Great for Web Development
Live Server — Displaying a live version of a website on the browser. New edits appear as you save! [Check Out!]
Want more? Why not;